e-Con: CPQ voor complexe productconfiguraties in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Wat je ook verkoopt, een offerte wil je zo snel mogelijk bij de klant hebben. Bedrijven die veel maatwerk verkopen…
Case Datawarehouse: fast and flexible insight into your business processes Developing a sustainable business intelligence (BI) solution for a client in Rotterdam; a big project we have been working on for the past...
Case Duijvelaar Pompen Duijvelaar Pompen develops and manufactures stainless steel centrifugal pumps and pressure boosting systems. The company is the market leader in the Netherlands in pressure boosting...
Case Stolt-Nielsen Stolt-Nielsen Limited (SNL) is a global provider of integrated transport solutions for liquid chemicals, vegetable oils, acids and other 'specialty liquids' ....
Insight Datamasker: Testen met geanonimiseerde data To test an application, you wouldd prefer to use data that matches reality as much as possible. But for many...